Simone Thomas Wellness

Over the past several years, Simon Thomas has opened three successful UK based clinics and has established an outstanding reputation as a qualified trichologist, leading hair loss consultant, a nutritionist, and a bioenergetics practitioner. Her drive to help others was fuelled by her own health concerns, with hair loss being one that took a toll on her mental and physical health and impacted her self-esteem.

Years of research and practicing in her own clinics has helped her to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of a nutrient dense diet when it comes to promoting a healthy mind and body, with this leading her to formulate a full programme that works from within.

Not only has Simone Thomas recently launched Simone Thomas Wellness at Beyond MediSpa in Harvey Nichols London. But she also produces The Biotin Hair Care Plan, which helps to maintain the condition of normal hair and contains Biotin Brilliance tablets, Everyday Wellness capsules, and Super Green capsules which, when taken together provide hair with the optimum vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Biotin Brilliance is a high dose daily food supplement, derived from the vitamin B group. It improves the keratin structure of your hair, and supports amino acid absorption, which helps to maintain healthy hair.

Super Greens – certified by the Soil Association is a food supplement containing a blend of organic seaweed and botanicals. Seaweed contains natural iodine, which contributes to normal cognitive function and functioning of the nervous system. Iodine also contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, the maintenance of normal skin, the normal production of thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function.

Everyday Wellness is a food supplement containing a blend of six beneficial bacteria including bifidobacterial, lactobacillus, and streptococcus plus FOS in an acid resistant capsule shell.

Biotin Plan Combo

The Biotin Hair Care Plan costs £130 for one months’ supply, and is available from Simone Thomas salons, clinics, and via the website at

Skin Quencher

Earlier this year Simone Thomas also launched SkinQuencher, a formulated potent food-based supplement that has been designed to feed and nourish the skin from within.

Each capsule contains a powerful blend of hydrolysed marine collagen and vitamin C. These supplements aren’t solely for skin care as marine collagen is a perfect recovery protein that helps to build and repair muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage, and vitamin C is an antioxidant which fights against free radicals and is essential for a strong and healthy immune system.

SkinQuencher costs £35 for one months’ supply, and is available from the above.

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