What Is Involved in a Complete Eye Exam?

Most of us will undergo an eye examination at least once in our lives. This will often be when we are young to check if we require visual aids like glasses, with some of us receiving follow up examinations after.

However, to properly assess and evaluate the health of our eyes, we need to be given what is known as a complete eye exam. This can often seem like a daunting prospect. For many people, eye examinations are uncomfortable at the best of times, so the thought of an extensive and comprehensive exam can be a worrying thought. We’re here to clarify just what is involved with a complete eye exam to help alleviate your fears. Keep reading to find out more.

Do You Need a Complete Eye Exam?

Before we get into the details, it’s important to define when a complete eye exam is necessary. Eye disorders come in many forms, including age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. These conditions can cause a range of symptoms, from vision loss to eye pain. If you are experiencing symptoms or if you feel something is wrong with your vision, it’s vital you book in for a complete eye exam. Look for an ophthalmology clinic London where you’ll be able to get an eye exam from a team of trained professionals.

Visual Acuity Test

One of the first things an ophthalmologist will test is your visual acuity, which is defined as the sharpness and clarity of your vision. 

You will be asked to read letters of various sizes on a chart to measure your visual acuity. This is one of the most common eye examination practices.

Visual Field Test

Your visual field is your peripheral vision, or what you can see outside of the central focus of your eye. Often, you will be asked to follow the movement of your examiner’s finger to test your visual acuity. A more comprehensive test will involve the use of what’s known as an Amsler Grid, which is a pattern of lines and squares that you will be asked to look at and assess which lines look jagged or broken.

Slit Lamp Examination

eye exam

To accurately identify and diagnose potential eye disorders, examiners will need to get a detailed and close-up look at your eye. They do this through the use of a powerful microscope called a slit lamp. This allows them to examine the outer and inner areas of the eye and will be used in combination with an opthalmoscope to check the back of your eye.

Slit lamps can be used to diagnose a number of conditions, including cataracts, detached retina, or macular degeneration.


Tonometry is used to measure the pressure inside your eye and can diagnose conditions like glaucoma. The examiner will hold the tonometer against the outside surface of your eyeball, the device will then display a pressure reading.


It’s vital that you stay on top of your eye health. Book a complete eye exam and keep your eyes in good condition.

Images courtesy of unsplash.com

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