Romantic ideas for your Wedding Anniversary

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To keep the flames of love alive, it might be that you regularly do things in the way of romance with your partner. From candlelight meals at home to scenic walks in places of outstanding beauty, there are all kinds of things you can do to ignite those loving feelings.

But on your wedding anniversary, you want to do something extra special to signify the love you have for your beloved. With this in mind, here are some ideas we hope you find useful. 

#1: Give them a romantic gift

The gift you give can be as simple as a bouquet of their favourite flowers. Or you could be creative and present them with something you have made yourself. It could be a framed collage of romantic photos you have taken together. Or it could be a portrait of your loved one that you have painted. You could also buy your partner a piece of jewellery with the gemstones you know they will love. Some pieces also come with special significance, such as these Celtic rings that can symbolise the bond you have with your partner. A full-hunter pocket watch engraved with a special date also makes a great sentimental gift that could turn into a family heirloom. These are just a few ideas but as you know your loved one better than we do, you might know what to buy them already.

#2: Book a weekend away

Wedding Anniversary

It doesn’t matter if the weekend falls on your anniversary or not. You could still book 2-3 days away (or longer), even if it’s a delayed surprise for your loved one. Book accommodation somewhere romantic, perhaps in a hotel on the shores of the Lake District, or a cottage in the heart of the beautiful Cotswolds. Or leave the UK and travel further afield, perhaps to Rome, Venice, or Paris, which are three of the most romantic cities in the world. 

Wedding Anniversary

#3: Do what you did on your very first date

Assuming your first date is a day that you both like to remember, you could try to capture those blossomings of first love. You could eat the food you ate back then, walk around the places where you first held hands, and take part in the activities that brought you closer together. Of course, you might not live in the same area anymore but you can still try to recreate those special memories, no matter where you are now. At the very least, you could look back at old photos of the time and reminisce about the memories that triggered those feelings of love. 

#4: Woo them with a poem 

It doesn’t matter how long you have been with your partner, you can still woo them with the words of love that will tug at their heartstrings. Especially if they have a love for poetry anyway, this is one idea that is bound to sit well with them. If you’re able, write the poem yourself. Think about all of the things that you love about your other half and use them within the verses you create. But if you don’t feel creative, borrow from the classic love poems that were written by the masters. There are all kinds of ways to tell your partner you love them, whether you compare them to a summer’s day or use any of the other famous lines that have triggered romance over the centuries. 

Your wedding anniversary will be extra special if you use any of these ideas. So, do whatever you think will win the heart of your loved one and enjoy an anniversary that neither of will ever forget!



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