Looking After Your Health in Later Life

Health is important at every age but even more so as you become older.

Ensuring good health in later life is key to enjoying an active and fulfilling lifestyle. But what steps can you take to remain healthy and keep both your body and mind in great condition?   

Avoid bad habits

Maintaining great physical health means refraining from habits such as smoking and drinking excessive alcohol.

health in later life

While the odd drink with a friend is not likely to be harmful, it’s a good idea to limit how often you consume alcohol. As we age, it can sometimes become more difficult to tolerate alcohol, increasing the detrimental effects on the body. As well as longer-lasting hangovers, alcohol is more likely to damage the liver in older age.

Smoking is linked to many diseases and conditions including lung infections, cancer and dementia. Regular smoking can also age the skin, making you look older than you actually are. There are lots of resources to help you quit smoking, regardless of your age. These changes are beneficial to your health in later life.

Health care

Keeping a check on your health is vital and you should visit your GP for any routine screenings and if you spot any concerning symptoms.

health in later life

While it’s not something many people want to think about, taking out over 50 life insurance can provide peace of mind that your family will be taken care of financially should the worst happen. There are policies available that don’t require any medical checks if you’ve already been diagnosed with a condition.

Diet and nutrition

We all know the importance of a balanced diet and healthy nutrition, and this becomes even more vital the older you get. Metabolism slows as we age so it’s a good idea to be mindful of what you eat to prevent weight gain.

Good nutrition is also linked to increased energy, a healthier state of mind and a healthy, functioning immune system, helping to fight off illness.


health in later life

A good exercise routine can keep muscles strong and bones dense, and contributes to a healthy cardiovascular system. Physical activity can also reduce the chances of injury and prevent joint stiffness.

Your exercise routine doesn’t need to be gruelling and it doesn’t need to involve the gym. You can incorporate exercise into your daily life via a daily walk in the local park, a bike ride to the shops or a dance class. You could even use it as an opportunity to learn a new skill.

A healthy mind

Physical health is obviously a key part of ensuring your body remains in good condition but taking care of your mind is equally important. The charity, Mind, suggests a few ways to improve or maintain wellbeing including being creative, spending time in nature, connecting with others and ensuring a good sleep routine.  

health in later life

If you live alone, try and arrange regular catch ups with friends and family or get a group together in the local community once a week. If you’re looking for ways to be more creative, why not try gardening, painting or writing?

Getting older comes with some challenges, especially in terms of health. But by focusing on maintaining a balanced lifestyle and spending time engaging in activities that you love, you’ll feel happier, healthier and full of life.

Images courtesy of unsplash.com and pexels.com

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