Intimate care: Atrophy Affects 40% to 57% of Women in Postmenopausal Phase

In the quiet corners of many lives, an unspoken issue affects between 40% and 57% of postmenopausal women. A topic often shrouded in silence. Vaginal atrophy is a condition warranting open conversation and awareness.

Atrophy is a condition that touches a significant number of women, yet the silence surrounding it is almost deafening. The embarrassment associated with discussing such intimate issues can be overwhelming. However, breaking the silence is the first step towards empowerment, awareness, and effective management of this condition.

What is Vaginal Atrophy?

This condition happens when the vaginal walls become thin, dry, and inflamed due to a reduction in oestrogen levels. Once with it, women often experience discomfort, including dryness, itching, and pain.


This hormonal change can be triggered by:

  1. Menopause: The natural decline in oestrogen levels as women age and enter the menopausal stage is a common cause.
  2. Cancer Treatments: Certain cancer treatments, especially for breast cancer, can reduce oestrogen levels.
  3. Surgical Removal of Ovaries: The ovaries are a primary source of oestrogen. Their removal causes an abrupt decline in oestrogen levels.
  4. Childbirth and Breastfeeding: Oestrogen levels can drop after giving birth and during breastfeeding, although the atrophy is less common in younger women.
  5. Medications: Some medications, especially those used to reduce oestrogen levels in women at risk for breast cancer, can lead to vaginal atrophy.
  6. Smoking: It affects blood circulation, leading to reduced oxygen supply to the vagina, and can exacerbate the symptoms.

Understanding these causes and risk factors is essential for early detection, management, and treatment, leading to an improved quality of life for affected women.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs are subtle yet insidious. Dryness, burning, and irritation are common complaints. You can also feel some kind of pain and urinary symptoms often accompany these changes. The emotional toll, intertwined with the physical discomfort, can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life. Early detection is not just beneficial – it’s crucial.


Diagnosis involves a thorough examination and detailed medical history. Healthcare professionals are pivotal in offering expertise and compassion, ensuring women are included in their journey. Seeking medical advice is not an admission of weakness but a stride towards wellness.

Treatment Options

Vaginal atrophy treatment is available, offering relief and improved quality of life with a spectrum of options for those who seek help. Hormone therapy, particularly oestrogen therapy, has proven effective. Non-hormonal treatments, including moisturisers and lubricants, offer alternatives. Each treatment, with its unique pros and cons, promises a pathway to relief.

Home Care

Beyond medical interventions, lifestyle adaptations play a significant role. Dietary changes, regular exercise, and specific self-care strategies offer relief and comfort. Home is not just a place of rest but a sanctuary of healing.


Prevention weaves itself through awareness, lifestyle choices, and proactive health measures. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and an informed approach to health can significantly reduce the risk of having the condition. Every woman is a guardian of her health; every choice is a step towards wellness.


A silent narrative in the lives of many, emerges from the shadows through conversation, awareness, and informed choices. Every woman’s voice contributes to a chorus of empowerment, echoing the sentiment of shared experience and collective triumph. Seeking help, sharing stories, and proactive health management are not just personal choices but communal strengths. In the shared silence, we find isolation, but in shared stories, we discover connection, strength, and the pathway to wellness.

Images courtesy of and

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