Love or Liability? The Pros and Cons of Dating Apps

With the recent Valentine’s Day, love is in the air, leading many people to try out dating apps for the first time.

If you are considering trying out a few of these dating apps to try your luck at love, consider the pros and cons of the dating app experience. Read below to find out if a digital search for a partner will lead you to love or liability.


Smart Matching

Many dating apps use technology to filter through profiles to suggest the best matches for their users. This means you can save time by cutting down on swiping through people you have nothing in common with and spending more time having meaningful chats with people with common interests. As you can see at, by vetting profiles before they can be posted on websites, there are higher chances that users will find good quality matches. This leads to better chances of matching with people with similar intentions and desires, leading to more good first dates.

Large Dating Pool

dating apps

The beauty of dating apps is that they are very popular, so you will find a large pool of candidates for potential matches on any given dating app. This makes the dating process easier for many different kinds of people. People like doctors or nurses who work long and unconventional hours and do not have time to meet people in bars or anywhere outside of work can use dating apps to meet people who have similar schedules and plan dates according to their needs. It is also good for people with social anxiety who have trouble meeting people in the traditional way. Talking to someone for a little while online can alleviate some anxieties that people have about first dates.



dating apps

Because you are meeting people through a screen, some people use dating apps to fabricate their appearance or physical traits. This happens a lot with things like height in men as well as the use of old photos that no longer represent the person you are talking to. This is a form of light catfishing that can happen on dating apps, but not always. Many apps are working on verification technology to ensure that the photos that people post are actually of themselves.


Using dating apps means that there will be a lot of activity in the chats. You could be balancing several conversations at once and some are bound to fizzle out. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common downsides of dating apps, you can be talking to someone for several days and then suddenly they will stop replying. Whether it’s because they have found someone and started seriously dating them in person or they just stopped using the app, people ghost other people all the time. The best thing you can do is not take it personally and move on.

Dating apps are a part of society in this modern age and they show no signs of going away any time soon. If you feel like you have been unlucky in your dating life, you have nothing to lose by trying out a few dating apps. There are so many different ones out there, that you are sure to find one that fits your needs.

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