Chickpea and Chorizo Broth with Pan-fried Sea Bass and Samphire

Chickpea and Chorizo Broth with Pan-fried Sea Bass and Samphire by coxys_kitchen

Chickpeas are hugely underused; I myself am guilty of doing this. They are sort of a forgotten staple, but not in this dish. In fact, in this dish of ‘Chickpea and Chorizo Broth with Pan-fried Sea Bass and Samphire’, the chickpeas are the star of the show. The dish is perfect for the warmer weather – it’s a light dish full of nutrition from the chickpeas, sea bass and samphire, but by no means boring. And, ‘Chickpea and Chorizo Broth with Pan-fried Sea Bass and Samphire’, can be whipped up in just 20 minutes, perfect for the working week.

Serves: 2

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes


  • 100g Spanish chorizo, chopped into small pieces
  • 400g can of chickpeas in water, drained
  • 300ml hot bouillon or other vegetable stock
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 150g cherry tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 2 sea bass fillets
  • 1 wedge of lemon, approx. ¼ lemon
  • Small handful of samphire
  • Handful of chopped fresh parsley


chickpea and chorizo
  1. Dry-fry the chopped chorizo in a non-stick frying pan until it starts releasing its natural oils and the chorizo turns slightly crispy. Turn off the heat and set aside

  2. Pour the hot stock into a medium-sized saucepan, add the chopped garlic and bring up to the boil. Add the drained chickpeas, then lower the heat and leave to gently simmer uncovered while you cook the sea bass

  3. Add the olive oil to the pan the chorizo was cooked in and bring up to a high heat. Season the sea bass with salt & pepper on both sides then add to the pan, skin-side down and cook for 3 minutes, reduce the heat then gently turn over the fish and add the butter, cook for 2 minutes, finish with a squeeze of lemon juice, then set aside on a warmed plate

  4. By now, 1/3 of the chickpea broth should have reduced, add the chorizo and tomato to the chickpeas and stir. Reduce the heat to its lowest setting and loosely cover with a lid

  5. Add the samphire to the same frying pan – there should be enough oil/butter left in the pan. Keep the heat low, then add a 1tsp of water and cover for 1 minute to let it steam

  6. To serve, spoon the chickpeas into a warmed bowls and ladle over the broth. Top with the sea bass and garnish with samphire, finish the dish by sprinkling over the chopped parsley

About Coxy’s Kitchen

Coxy’s Kitchen provides a dinner party and private dining service throughout Yorkshire. If you love having dinner parties but don’t fancy the cooking, contact Coxy’s Kitchen to cook your next dinner party. To make an enquiry or for an initial consultation, please email [email protected]

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