Travelling around the world can be fantastic, a real learning experience, and even life-affirming. But it’s true to say that a worthwhile travel adventure is just as much about what you avoid than what you focus on.
For instance; you wouldn’t go to another country to learn how to scuba dive in picturesque surroundings without making sure the training was available. The same goes for hiking – planning your route along a famous hiking path is better than simply making your way through the fields, forests and even jungles on your own. You need to keep yourself and your posessions safe while travelling.
It’s a big wide world out there, filled with people, and so practicing some travel wisdom is always essential. On top of that, preparing for your own needs, such as bringing along the exact medications you may need or knowing you have access to them if you run out can be essential.
Another crucial focus to consider is that of keeping your personal possessions safe while travelling. It’s easy to forget about how important this is, but with a little care and advanced effort, you’ll be much more protected. Let’s see what the most essential tips are here:
Protect Your Phone

Our phones tend to be the devices we use to organize our lives, from contacting other people, to managing our finances, and certainly keeping on top of our daily informational needs, like deciding which events are best to attend, understanding what hotels are worth our time, and Googling any term we’re not familiar with. With translation apps available for free, a smartphone is a wonderful traveller’s guide.
Keeping your phone and posessions safe while travelling is important. A protective casing is essential, as is making certain that you wear clothes with zip pockets so you can protect from pickpocketing. This guide that helps you figure out what to do if your phone is stolen is also worth considering ahead of time. On top of that, it can’t hurt to bring a simple phone with you, sporting a pay-as-you-go SIM, so you always have that second mode of contact if this happens.
Protect Any Money and Bring Spare Cash

It’s essential to make sure any cash you keep with you will be properly secured. Some people wear belts with safety pockets in them to keep emergency cash if needed. Others use portable safes that are hard to get through, but if you look at some videos reviewing these products online, you can avoid some of the unreliable models.
It’s also worthwhile to make sure your cash is hidden, that it’s never flaunted, and to get out of the bad habit of placing your wallet in your back pocket. Be careful of pickpockets. A chain attached to your belt and to your purse can also help you avoid nimble fingers. Also, try not to carry too much cash around with you. Think of it as a backup; and in many countries, cash is becoming second to cards and even smartphone payment apps. There may be some flexibility there for you in kind.
Understand The Best Travel Guidance

It’s worthwhile to consider some of the best, up to date travel guidance allotted to you. For instance, even in safe countries and safe cities there will be areas that are best to avoid, and especially those which may be hostile to tourists.
It’s also unfortunate to state that sometimes, you have to consider the social dynamics of an area and how that might relate to you. For instance, some cultures and areas may not take kindly to outwardly expressed same-sex relationships. This is utterly tragic, of course, and certainly something to fight against at the right time and place, but it’s essential that you know this in advance and can avoid putting yourself in harm’s way.
So, sometimes staying safe means being aware of the customs, the right places to visit, the proper conduct as a tourist, and of course, just being respectful in general when abroad.
Travel With Someone

Travelling with someone is always important, unless you’re a seasoned solo traveller who knows where to go and what they’re doing. However, solo travellers are rarely ever alone-alone, they tend to merge with groups such as hiking expeditions and travel initiatives to keep themselves among people with the same mindset.
Having a friend or family member come with you can help you look out for one another, and also make sure you make the right plans together. Two minds are better than one, as they say, and as traveling safely and capably will take plenty of focus to achieve, this plan is always a smart one. This also comes with many additional benefits such as being able to remind your friend to take their medication, or to help them with accessibility should they need it.
Be Aware Of Anyone Who Approaches You

It’s true that sometimes, thieves and scammers can target tourists. This is why it’s very important to be aware of anyone who approaches you, especially with a free product or service that they may demand payment from later. Certain gangs can work in groups to pick the pockets of tourists, and so it’s essential to make sure you never showcase flashy possessions when out and about, that you keep them protected, and that you watch over your pockets carefully and look out for your group.
Use Reputable Companies and Well-Reviewed Accommodations

The same goes for the services you use. Make sure to use reputable retailers, hotels and accommodations you can trust, and travel services that are responsible and make certain to put the safety of their users above all else.
This can help you avoid utilizing cost-cut services that tend to have lax safety regulations, and it will also ensure you become more adept at spotting shoddy services that may not be worth your time.
With this advice, you’re certain to keep your personal possessions safe while travelling, or will at least be able to recover from being targeted. From here, you can make more stringent plans, such as opting for excellent travel insurance. Always make sure you are travelling safely.
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