Bald Chef Nick Recipes

Championing locally sourced food and seasonal produce. Creating stunning, easy recipes and celebrating food with calories!

‘Man’s Pan’ Spanish Omelette Easy Recipe

A Spanish Omelette with mature English cheddar. By @baldchefnick This omelette is a Spanish omelette with both European and English ingredients. A ‘very’ mature English Cheddar and sauté potatoes give a much-needed richness to the dish and hold the other ingredients together perfectly. Potato Omelette cooked in the oven with Chorizo,

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Red Rice & Swiss Chard Super Soup

Red Rice & Swiss Chard Super Soup (Serves 4) by @baldchefnick This Vegan Recipe is very healthy, packed with superfoods and full of flavour, and very healthy antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and proteins. The red rice is just one of the ingredients that is a super food and quite delicious. It has a

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